Grab your friends, find a tent and come tube with us at Skinner's Falls.. Camp and ride the waters of the Delaware while celebrating life with fellow friends and partiers, just 8 miles from the historic site of the original Woodstock Festival. The spirit of the original Summer of Love lives on -- and you can be part of it! Here's what you can expect:
Friday: We start registering arrivals at 4:30pm so you can pitch your tent, relax by the campfire and get ready to PARTY. DJ XCEL will mix it up in the Big Tent starting at 8:30pm. Plan on DJ XCEL and appearances from our Special Guest DJ's and dancers offering the best dance music, and the wildest times you may or may not remember.

Saturday: Grab some eats at the breakfast buffet or make your own and then get ready to tube! Our tubing party down the Delaware River launches at 11:30am -- 5 hours of fun in the water! Once you land, you can take our bus back to the campsite. Bag lunches are available for you during the trip, and when you get back you can choose to cook up your own grub or feast on some fantastic BBQ. More tunes courtesy of MC - DJ FIGZ for live painting and great BBQ tunes at the same time. DJ XCEL returns again in the evening bringing full color light shows to add to the experience, creating a nightlife Mecca in the middle of the WOODS!

Sunday: Recover. Then pack your stuff, head on home, and tell your friends who didn't show up how awesome your weekend was.
Boobs & Tubes doesn't stop at camping and tubing. In addition to great DJs spinning (see Weekend Plan), we'll have campfires, pong tables and volleyball courts to keep you as busy as you want to be.
No outdoor weekend would be complete without a full belly. Pizza, breakfast buffet or BBQ dinner can be yours if you'd rather purchase our food than cook up or consume your own. This event is a BYOB event, so Bring Your Own Beverages.
Your registration fee of $189 for the entire weekend includes:

  • Tent space/campground fee
  • Porta Johns & showers
  • Tubing fees
  • Transportation to and from tubing landing areat
  • Entertainment

FYI: Boobs & Tubes does not use, promote, or sell Alcohol and/or Fireworks. We "self-police" our participants through a hired Security force as well as a network of Volunteers and we encourage responsible and safe behavior. We work cooperatively with the DEC, National Park Service and local law enforcement and adhere to all state laws and local ordinances. We also maintain standards of cleanliness by utilizing our team of volunteers and event staff to pick up debris in ALL areas our event occurs.

We can't guarantee space for a camper, so if you want to bring a camper you must contact us to see what we can do. First come, first served. View your full list of add-ons, options, and merchandise on the New York registration form. Feel free to contact us with any questions.


As your registration is all inclusive, should you decide to cancel, we require 7 days advance notice of the event for a refund. We don't cancel or postpone the entire weekend because of rain. A large event tent will be centrally located on the NY Skinner's Falls campground. The entertainment will continue rain or shine. We've found that people are going to come and have fun, weather or no weather.